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A career with Mannesmann DEMAG

We are experts in compressed air and are looking for additional staff. Welcome to the TEAM!


An employer with a future


To make you feel comfortable from your first day at work we offer free work clothing, free drinks and a wide range of services and benefits to support you in your professional environment.

  • ÖPNV - Ihr Anschluss zu uns

    Sie nutzen gerne Bus und Bahn um zur Arbeit zu kommen? Das finden wir toll! Und daher bezuschussen wir ihr Ticket mit 70%

  • Fit(ness) im Job

    Sie sind nicht nur Fit im Job sondern halten sich auch sonst in Top Form? Mit unserer Kooperation mit Fitness Studios gelingt Ihnen das problemlos und das sogar bei regelmäßiger Teilnahme komplett kostenlos!

  • New work spaces

    Whether office, assembly or production: Thanks to our new building in Renningen in 2019, all workplaces are state of the art. Equipment, lighting and workplace ergonomics (e.g. height-adjustable desks) are perfectly designed to meet the needs of our employees. 

  • E-Bike leasing
    Do you like cycling in your free time? Maybe you also use the bike for your daily commute to work? Perfect! We can offer many of our employees a favourable e-bike lease. After the lease, the bike can be taken over, and at a bargain price.
  • Lunch catering

    In our spacious break room, we offer a variety of different and affordable lunch menus - in cooperation with our partner Apetito. There is something to suit every taste here. 

  • Free drinks
    During break times, you can treat yourself to a refreshing glass of water or a hot cup of coffee or tea.
  • Flexible working hours
    In many departments, flexible working hours are possible through flexitime arrangements This allows you to actively take charge of your work life balance. 
  • Additional insurance
    With our partner SDK, we can offer you favourable alternatives in the area of supplementary dental insurance. This will not only improve your protection in the area of dentures, but also for eye care, travel insurance abroad and much more. 
  • Contributions to capital formation
    We save EUR 20.00 per month for your personal VWL savings plan. 
  • Company pension scheme
    Together with Sparkassen Versicherung (SV), we offer you the excellent opportunity to minimise the ever increasing pension gap in the future from 2022 onwards. 
  • Table football
    To keep the break time entertaining, we have provided a professional table football for exciting matches. Only the best can win... 
  • Alle Benefits gecheckt?

    Dann melden Sie sich jetzt bei Julia Scherer unter oder 07159 / 180 93-512 und starten Sie Ihre Karriere bei uns in Renningen!

Frau Julia Scherer

Do you have questions?

Do you have any questions about our vacancies? Then simply get in touch! /p>